Friday, February 8, 2008

Branches of studies

Acoustics - Study of production & properties of sound

Agrostology - Study of grass

Anatomy - Study of body structure

Anthropology - Study of development of mankind

Astronautics - Study of space travel

Ethology - Study of animal Behaviour

Eugenics - Study of Generic improvement

Etymology - Study of origin of words

Hydropathy - Study of treatment of disease with water

Hygiene - Study of Sanitation and principles of health

Iconology - Study of symbolic representation

Limnology - Study of Fresh water

Lexicography - Study of dictionary making

Metrology - Study of weights & measures

Geology - Study of earth crust

Histology - Study of organic tissues

Odontology - Study of teeth

Oncology - Study of cancer

Spelology - Study of caves

Serology - Study of antigen antibody reaction

Theology - Study of religion

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